United Kingdom
Yes, your item can still be repaired if the warranty has expired. However, if you have one of the following products, please note that we no longer service them. If you have questions, you can always contact our Customer Support team HERE:
- Impact & Infinity4PS Pro sold before July 1st, 2018
- Infinity 4PS
- Prestige
- 4PS
- Elite
- Infinity1
- Vantage Series 1 or 2
Please gather the information below and create your repair request HERE:
- First and Last Name
- Order Number (if available)
- Seal of Approval number (please note that if this information is missing, it may delay your service).
- A detailed explanation of why your controller needs servicing
Yes, your item can still be repaired if the warranty has expired. However, if you have one of the following products, please note that we no longer service them. If you have questions, you can always contact our Customer Support team HERE:
- Impact & Infinity4PS Pro sold before July 1st, 2018
- Infinity 4PS
- Prestige
- 4PS
- Elite
- Infinity1
- Vantage Series 1 or 2
Please gather the information below and create your repair request HERE:
- First and Last Name
- Order Number (if available)
- Seal of Approval number (please note that if this information is missing, it may delay your service).
- A detailed explanation of why your controller needs servicing
United States
Yes, your item can still be repaired if the warranty has expired. However, if you have one of the following products, please note that we no longer service them. If you have questions, you can always contact our Customer Support team HERE:
- Infinity 4PS
- Prestige
- 4PS
- Elite
- Infinity1
- Vantage Series 1 or 2
Please gather the information below and create your repair request HERE:
- First and Last Name
- Order Number (if available)
- Seal of Approval number (please note that if this information is missing, it may delay your service).
- A detailed explanation of why your controller needs servicing