We use a variety of shipping carriers to deliver packages including (but not limited to) UPS, FedEx, USPS, and DHL.
Based on your delivery location, our shipping system will automatically select the best service provider for your order.
We cannot request for your order to be shipped with a specific carrier.
Please note: Your order may ship in multiple packages.
What shipping carrier will deliver my package?
{[{ olpOrderNumberValue }]}
Order Type
{[{ orderType }]}
{[{ customerName }]}
- {[{ column.name }]}
- {[{ result.LINE_STATUS || '-' }]}
- {[{ result.PART_NUMBER }]} -
- {[{ getFormattedDate(result.SCHEDULE_SHIP_DATE) || '-' }]}
- {[{ getFormattedDate(result.SHIPPED_DATE) || '-' }]}
- {[{ result.SHIP_METHOD || '-' }]}
- {[{ result.TRACKING_NUMBER }]} -
- {[{ getReceivedDeliveredDate(result.LINE_TYPE, index) || '-' }]}
Line Status Description
{[{ statusDescription.title }]}{[{ statusDescription.description }]}